Terms and Conditions


ACEDE (Scientific Association of Economics and Business Management)
VAT Number: G79851788
Complutense University of Madrid,
Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Business Organization,
Building 3, Somosaguas Campus,
28223, Madrid.
Phone: 913.942.505
Email: acede@ccee.ucm.es


We would like you to familiarize yourself with the following general terms and conditions (T&C), which establish the conditions for processing and organizing your purchases.

The acede.org website sells memberships to the association. To this effect:

Contract Formalization:

By registering, you are placing a binding order. Once you have placed your order, we will immediately send you an email confirmation. The binding contract is formed at the moment you receive the order confirmation from us, valid for one year. Please note that orders made by bank transfer will be shipped upon receipt of full payment. Therefore, please make a transfer for the purchase price immediately after receiving the order confirmation, and in any case, within 7 days.

Prices, Shipping Costs, and Shipping Service:

The prices set on the products at the time of registration will apply. The established prices are the final prices (total), including Value Added Tax in Spain at the applicable legal rate.

Return and Cancellation Policy:

  • If canceled before January 15, the membership fee will not be renewed.
  • If canceled between January 16 and February 28, 50% of the fee paid will be refunded.
  • No amount will be refunded after March 1 of the current year.

Minimum Age for Contracting:

To contract our services, you must be of legal age (+18 years).

Member Support:

For any questions, contact us at acede@ccee.ucm.es

Also, we inform you that the European Commission has an online platform for resolving legal disputes, available at the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/

You can file complaints through the mentioned online platform to resolve legal disputes.


This website uses information security techniques to prevent unauthorized access to data and possible theft of the same. To achieve these goals, the user/customer agrees that the provider obtains data for the corresponding authentication of access controls.

We offer 100% secure payment

At acede.org, we guarantee that each transaction made is 100% secure.
All purchases you make on our website are backed by the secure server of Banco Santander, ensuring that your data is protected and encrypted by the most advanced technology, making it much safer to send your data to the banks' Secure Servers than to pay at a gas station, restaurant, etc.

What happens when I send my data over the network?

When you make a purchase and choose the payment method, when you click on the Payment by card button, the website connects to the Secure Server, from that moment on, you start browsing in a secure zone and enter your bank details on the Bank's Secure Server, which ensures that the operation meets the required security requirements and carries out the operation, after which the confirmation appears, and the buyer returns to the store.

Could someone know the encryption key?

Each time a user connects to a Secure Server, it generates a random key for the session it is establishing with the user, while the client's browser generates another, also random, key, which serves to identify itself to the server.
If at the moment a secure connection is established, other users connect to the server, new keys are generated to identify the participants in the connection.
The Secure Server ensures that the generated keys never match while multiple simultaneous connections are established.

How do I know that a secure connection has really been established?

You will know if you have connected to a Secure Server if the URL starts with "https://". In addition, the most used browsers indicate it graphically through an icon that shows the user whether there is a secure connection or not (for example, in the case of Internet Explorer, a closed yellow padlock appears).

What security protocol is used in transmissions?

The latest specifications of the standard security protocol on the network are used in connections with the Secure Server: SSL.

Which financial institution guarantees security in my transactions?

When you make a purchase with a debit or credit card on our website acede.org, a connection is established with Banco Santander's Secure Server, which provides all its experience and technological infrastructure to support, in a secure and effective manner, all electronic purchasing transactions made on www.acede.org. When a payment request arrives at Banco Santander's Secure Server, it manages the authorization or denial, in real time, of the payment for that purchase after confirming that all the data is correct for the payment.

Where can I get more information?

If you want to learn more about security issues, you can turn to the information provided by Banco Santander on its website, www.bancosantander.es.

3D Secure

Banco Santander's gateway is compatible with the new secure internet payment protocols introduced by Visa and Mastercard.
3D Secure is the safest credit card payment system because it can authenticate the cardholder, ensuring that the customer using a card number is really its owner. This is done through a secret key provided by your bank, which only you know, in most cases, this key can be requested online. For more information, you can consult your bank's website or contact them.

Very Important

Our website only accepts payment with credit cards that are secured (3D Secure), so you will need a special key for internet purchases that the issuing financial institution must provide, mentioning the need to have the virtual 3D Secure key. We recommend using this 3D Secure system, which ensures that you are the only one who can make purchases with the card, making it impossible for it to be fraudulently used on the network, guaranteeing the total security of transactions.

How do we protect your credit card payment?

acede.org uses a server based on one of the most reliable secure payment systems on the Internet: the SSL (Secure Socked Layer) security protocol. (If you want more information, visit www.ssl.com).
All your personal data and the information you transmit to us travels encrypted over the network and is protected and encrypted before being sent for processing.
For payment with Visa and Mastercard, only CES (Secure Electronic Commerce) transactions will be accepted. After verifying that the card is adhered to the CES system, the system will contact the bank that issued it so that the buyer authorizes the purchase. Once the bank confirms the authenticity, the charge will be made to the card. Otherwise, the order will be canceled.
The payment gateway we use for your credit card payment is Banco Santander's, which encrypts your data using the SSL 256-bit protocol. Our system does not store any bank data from your credit card, but goes directly to the Bank's Ecommerce POS (Point of Sale).

What is SSL?

The latest advances in browser and server technology have made it easy to use web services without concerns related to electronic fraud. An example of this is Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), developed by Netscape, a security protocol submitted to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as an Internet draft. Basically, the protocol allows the browser and server of a web session to authenticate each other and protect the information that will subsequently flow between both points. By using cryptographic techniques such as encryption and digital signatures, the protocol:

  • Allows browsers and web servers to authenticate each other.
  • Allows website owners to control access to servers, directories, files, or particular services.
  • Allows the sharing of confidential information (such as credit card numbers) between the browser and the server, keeping it inaccessible to third parties.
  • Ensures that data exchanged between the browser and the server cannot be corrupted, whether accidentally or deliberately, without being detected.

Holder: ACEDE (Scientific Association of Economics and Business Management)
VAT: G79851788
Address: Complutense University of Madrid, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Business Organization,
Building 3, Somosaguas Campus, 28223, Madrid.
Contact: Phone: 913.942.505 - Email: acede@ccee.ucm.es

Last Updated: 06/24/2021

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