Regular manuscripts build on strong theoretical foundations and empirical evidence to develop a scientific contribution in the field of management. BRQ encourages theoretical diversity and permeability, as well as methodological plurality. The only constraint is to meet the highest analytical standards.
Manuscripts sent to this section should contain authoritative reviews of the literature, offering an updated and critical discussion of the state of the art. They may include traditional literature reviews or meta-analyses, for instance, as long as they make a contribution to management and establish an agenda for future research. Review articles aim at becoming a reference point for academics on the topic they address.
BRQ welcomes articles with a focus on novel methods and significant improvements to conventional techniques, as long as they show an immediate practical relevance for management researchers. We particularly encourage submissions that emphasize those mooted points of the methods employed in any realm of management that have been often misused, or whose use can be refined and notably ameliorated by utilizing the latest advances.
Their main purpose is to question conventional wisdom in management teaching or research by addressing the issue at stake from different perspectives. Proposals may thus consist of one manuscript by an author to whom other colleague replies, or two manuscripts by different authors presenting conflicting views on a specific topic. The Editorial Board may assess other formats.
Formally, these manuscripts differ from regular papers inasmuch as they need not follow a strict paper outline and should preferably have between 3000 and 4000 words. Tentative proposals are welcome at any time.